Heat maps of
m, the slope of the approximately linear relationship between entrained phase and day length, are plotted as a function of
X and
R on the same color scale as in
Figure 6E. See Computational methods for simulation details. (
A) Entrainment simulations with non-instantaneous jumps between day and night limit cycles. The half-times
for transition between the circular orbits are indicated above the heat maps. Schematic on the left illustrates the evolution of the oscillator from a point on the night limit cycle to the day limit cycle in two scenarios with different relaxation times. Each arrow represents the displacement of the oscillator in 1 hr. (
B) Entrainment simulations for day and night limit cycles of varying ellipticity. The ratios of the major axis length to the minor axis length of the day and night orbits (ρ
D and ρ
N) are indicated above the heatmaps. In these simulations, we considered strongly attracting orbits (
hr) oriented with their major axes perpendicular to the separation between their centers. (
C) Entrainment simulations for day and night limit cycles with non-constant angular velocities. In these simulations, we considered circular orbits for both day and night limit cycles. Orbit attraction timescale was set to
hours. The variability in angular speed
throughout the cycle is given by
. Schematic on the left illustrates the evolution of the oscillator along day limit cycle in two scenarios with different values of
. Each arrow represents the displacement of the oscillator in 1 hr; size of the arrowheads illustrates changes in angular velocity throughout the cycle (not to scale).