Fig. 1.
Superconducting double dot and its energy levels. a Scanning electron micrograph of the InSb nanowire device, green circles indicate positions of the two quantum dots. The two superconducting leads are S L and S R. The double dots are defined and tuned by five local gates: V SL, V L, V t, V R, and V SR. The direction of magnetic field B is indicated by arrow. b Spectrum of Andreev states in two quantum dots separated by a large barrier as a function of detuning . On the left (right) dot, the ground states are , and with dot occupations 2, 1, 0 (0, 1, 2), respectively. Vertical lines connect levels that hybridize to form molecular states plotted in d. c Molecular Andreev spectrum of a double quantum dot as a function of detuning (main panel) and energy level shift (inset). S(2,0) denotes singlet (2,0) configuration and similar for others. Charge configurations in b, c are labeled in b and separated by dashed lines. d Transport resonance at positive bias occurs when Andreev chemical potentials −ζ L(V L, μ S), and ζ R(V R, μ D) are aligned and bias (Vbias) compensates relaxation energies. The hashed bars depict subgap states included in the numerical model