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. 2017 Sep 20;4(5):ENEURO.0272-17.2017. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0272-17.2017

Table 3.

Mouse PR-A and PR-B interact with hypothalamic proteins, identified by RPPA, in a ligand-dependent manner, with a ratio of R5020/no ligand ≥2 and p < 0.05.

Transcription UniProt symbol UniProt ID PR-A (R5020/no ligand) PR-B (R5020/no ligand)
Steroid-receptor coactivator-1 NCOA1 P70365 + +
Steroid receptor coactivator-2 NCOA2 Q61026 + +
Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein complex MED12 A2AGH6 +
c-Fosp FOS P01101 +
c-Junp JUN P05627 +
Kruppel-like factor 4 KLF4 Q60793 +
Autophagy-related protein 3 ATG3 Q9CPX6 +
Autophagy related protein 12 ATG12 Q9CQY1 +
BCL2 antagonist/killer 1 BAK O08734 + +
Forkhead box O1 (metabolism) FOXO1 Q9R1E0 + +
Signal transduction
Src kinasep SRC P05480 +
Signal transducer and activator of transcription 2p STAT2 Q9WVL2 +
Epidermal growth factor receptor EGFR Q01279 +
p70S6 kinasep KS6B Q8BSK8 +
Integrin-α5 ITA5 P11688 +
Cyclin C CCNC Q62447 +

pProteins identified with phospho-specific antibodies. Table 3-1 shows proteins identified by RPPA that associate with PR in the absence of ligand.