Antibodies |
Anti-acetyllysine |
Cell Signaling |
9441 |
Anti-ATP5α |
Mitoscience |
MS502 |
Anti-histone H3 |
Upstate |
07-690 |
Chemicals, Peptides, and Recombinant
Proteins |
Control diet (custom) |
Envigo |
TD.150345 |
High-fat diet (75% kcal fat, custom) |
Envigo |
TD.160153 |
Ketogenic diet (90% kcal fat, custom) |
Envigo |
TD.160239 |
Critical Commercial Assays |
LiquiColor Beta-Hydroxybutyrate colorimetric test |
StanBio |
2440-058 |
Deposited Data |
RNAseq fastq files and processed expression data |
GSE101657 |
Experimental Models: Organisms/Strains |
C57BL/6 male mice |
NIA Aged Rodent Colony |
N/A |
Oligonucleotides |
See Table
Software and Algorithms |
Prism |
GraphPad |
7.0a |
Stata/SE |
Stata Corp |
14.2 |
Perl | |
5.16.1 |
Ingenuity Pathway Analysis |
Ingenuity |
2017 |
AmiGO |
Gene Ontology |
1.8 |