Figure 4. Use of TrxRFP1 in various mammalian cell lines.
(a) The viabilities of indicated cell lines in response to 24-h auranofin treatment. (b) The correlation between EC50 values derived from TrxRFP1 fluorescence and LC50 values derived from viability assays of various cell lines (R2 = 0.95). (c) Western blots of endogenous TrxR1, Trx1 and β-actin in various cell lines (Full gel is in Supplementary Fig. 21a–c). (d) A plot for relative TrxR1 expression levels and the fold of fluorescence changes induced by auranofin across various cell lines (R2 = 0.35). Data in panel a are shown as mean and s.d. of three independent experiments. Error bars in panels b and d are s.e.m. from curve fitting or s.d. from quantification of Western blot bands of three independent replicates.