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. 2017 Sep 21;358:j4208. doi: 10.1136/bmj.j4208

Table 7.

Characteristics of patients in validation cohort in each of the four frailty categories based on one year risk of unplanned admission or one year risk of death. Values are numbers (column percentages) unless stated otherwise

Characteristics Group 1: severe frailty Group 2: moderate frailty Group 3: mild frailty Group 4: fit
No of patients 13 665 46 770 215 253 223 790
Row % of total population 2.74 9.36 43.10 44.80
Men 6142 (44.9) 19 219 (41.1) 104 867 (48.7) 94 319 (42.1)
Mean (SD) age (years) 86.1 (8.4) 85.4 (7.6) 78.2 (6.7) 69.8 (3.9)
Mean (SD) Townsend deprivation score* 0.4 (3.0) 0.0 (3.0) −0.3 (2.9) −1.1 (2.7)
Mean (SD) body mass index 26.0 (5.8) 26.3 (5.4) 27.4 (5.2) 27.4 (4.6)
Age band (years):
 65-69 694 (5.1) 2032 (4.3) 26 606 (12.4) 121 904 (54.5)
 70-74 884 (6.5) 2849 (6.1) 37 271 (17.3) 69 881 (31.2)
 75-79 1316 (9.6) 4882 (10.4) 54 995 (25.5) 29 222 (13.1)
 80-84 2201 (16.1) 8468 (18.1) 57 188 (26.6) 2783 (1.2)
 ≥85 8570 (62.7) 28 539 (61.0) 39 193 (18.2) 0 (0)
Smoking status:
 Non-smoker 6000 (43.9) 23 560 (50.4) 104 320 (48.5) 133 214 (59.5)
 Former smoker 5936 (43.4) 18 503 (39.6) 84 077 (39.1) 72 028 (32.2)
 Light smoker 934 (6.8) 2686 (5.7) 14 853 (6.9) 10 598 (4.7)
  Moderate smoker 447 (3.3) 1189 (2.5) 7325 (3.4) 5238 (2.3)
 Heavy smoker 348 (2.5) 832 (1.8) 4678 (2.2) 2712 (1.2)
Alcohol intake (units/day):
 Non-drinker 9468 (69.3) 28 232 (60.4) 96 468 (44.8) 62 754 (28.0)
 <1 2486 (18.2) 10 752 (23.0) 62 990 (29.3) 79 192 (35.4)
 1-2 817 (6.0) 3924 (8.4) 25 892 (12.0) 38 876 (17.4)
  3-6 716 (5.2) 3325 (7.1) 26 157 (12.2) 39 692 (17.7)
  7-9 105 (0.8) 347 (0.7) 2524 (1.2) 2331 (1.0)
 >9 73 (0.5) 190 (0.4) 1222 (0.6) 945 (0.4)
Previous unplanned admissions in past 12 months:
 None 2888 (21.1) 25 293 (54.1) 189 282 (87.9) 222 311 (99.3)
 1 3856 (28.2) 13 040 (27.9) 21 480 (10.0) 1458 (0.7)
 2 2763 (20.2) 5280 (11.3) 3820 (1.8) 21 (0.0)
 ≥3 4158 (30.4) 3157 (6.8) 671 (0.3) 0 (0)
Clinical and social characteristics:
 Poor mobility 8312 (60.8) 18 188 (38.9) 24 622 (11.4) 4012 (1.8)
 Living in a residential or nursing home 2474 (18.1) 4419 (9.4) 2283 (1.1) 99 (0.0)
 Atrial fibrillation 4864 (35.6) 10 779 (23.0) 21 261 (9.9) 3825 (1.7)
 Any cancer 3436 (25.1) 9081 (19.4) 33 040 (15.3) 9618 (4.3)
 Asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 4756 (34.8) 11 697 (25.0) 41 269 (19.2) 18 748 (8.4)
 Congestive heart failure 3795 (27.8) 6585 (14.1) 8701 (4.0) 668 (0.3)
 Cardiovascular disease 8373 (61.3) 21 867 (46.8) 59 835 (27.8) 14 850 (6.6)
 Treated hypertension 6310 (46.2) 23 069 (49.3) 110 750 (51.5) 75 438 (33.7)
 Chronic kidney disease 1532 (11.2) 2912 (6.2) 4199 (2.0) 234 (0.1)
 Type 1 diabetes 358 (2.6) 697 (1.5) 1901 (0.9) 392 (0.2)
 Type 2 diabetes 3925 (28.7) 10 350 (22.1) 41 731 (19.4) 17 903 (8.0)
 Venous thromboembolism 1857 (13.6) 4300 (9.2) 10 768 (5.0) 3350 (1.5)
 Epilepsy 608 (4.4) 1349 (2.9) 3983 (1.9) 1579 (0.7)
 Leg ulcer 2036 (14.9) 4025 (8.6) 6851 (3.2) 1045 (0.5)
 Chronic liver disease or pancreatitis 535 (3.9) 954 (2.0) 2511 (1.2) 587 (0.3)
 Malabsorption (Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, coeliac disease) 213 (1.6) 714 (1.5) 3107 (1.4) 2421 (1.1)
 Parkinson’s disease 850 (6.2) 1487 (3.2) 2549 (1.2) 422 (0.2)
 Peptic ulcer disease 2519 (18.4) 5778 (12.4) 16 121 (7.5) 6574 (2.9)
 Osteoporosis 2387 (17.5) 6401 (13.7) 16 969 (7.9) 8314 (3.7)
 Rheumatoid arthritis 680 (5.0) 1617 (3.5) 5447 (2.5) 2568 (1.1)
 Learning disability 803 (5.9) 1507 (3.2) 2110 (1.0) 562 (0.3)
 Dementia 4484 (32.8) 9726 (20.8) 8251 (3.8) 249 (0.1)
 Bipolar disorder or schizophrenia 306 (2.2) 727 (1.6) 2444 (1.1) 784 (0.4)
 Registered blind or impaired vision 1287 (9.4) 3148 (6.7) 5422 (2.5) 1352 (0.6)
 Falls 6895 (50.5) 16 789 (35.9) 33 768 (15.7) 12 217 (5.5)
Current prescribed drugs:
 Anticoagulants 2526 (18.5) 7238 (15.5) 18 577 (8.6) 3102 (1.4)
 Antidepressants 5461 (40.0) 15 267 (32.6) 50 687 (23.5) 24 707 (11.0)
 Antipsychotics 1524 (11.2) 2666 (5.7) 3947 (1.8) 648 (0.3)
 Corticosteroids 3615 (26.5) 8761 (18.7) 27 963 (13.0) 5993 (2.7)
 Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 717 (5.2) 3636 (7.8) 37 369 (17.4) 47 524 (21.2)
Symptoms recorded in past 12 months:
 Appetite loss 267 (2.0) 362 (0.8) 410 (0.2) 67 (0.0)
 Weight loss 564 (4.1) 947 (2.0) 1611 (0.7) 419 (0.2)
 Dyspnoea 2724 (19.9) 6811 (14.6) 21 783 (10.1) 4998 (2.2)
 Syncope 750 (5.5) 1380 (3.0) 2461 (1.1) 854 (0.4)
 Urinary incontinence 550 (4.0) 1047 (2.2) 2314 (1.1) 934 (0.4)
 Urinary retention 353 (2.6) 453 (1.0) 670 (0.3) 157 (0.1)
Clinical values:
 Anaemia (haemoglobin <110 g/L) 3399 (24.9) 5322 (11.4) 6572 (3.1) 792 (0.4)
 Abnormal liver function test result 998 (7.3) 1853 (4.0) 5559 (2.6) 1518 (0.7)
 High platelet count 523 (3.8) 1027 (2.2) 2399 (1.1) 804 (0.4)

*This is an area level continuous score based on patients’ postcode. A higher Townsend score implies a greater level of deprivation.