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. 2016 Jul 15;18(1):59–62. doi: 10.1177/1751143716660330

Table 3.

Case reports documenting co-trimoxazole-induced hypoglycaemia.

Paper Year Indication for co-trimoxazole Precipitating factors
Length of time of hypoglycaemia (days)
Immunosuppression Renal impairment Age > 60 years Other
3 2014 UTI Y Insulin (T2DM) 5
4 2013 PCP prophylaxis Y 92
5 2012 PCP treatment Y Y 7
7 2011 PCP prophylaxis Y Y Y 2
13 2006 PCP treatment Y Y 19
18 1998 UTI Y 7
19 1997 Pneumonia stentrophomonasmattophilia Y Y Food deprivation 5
20 1997 Sepsis, malnourished
25 1993 PCP treatment Y Y 6
31 1988 PCP treatment Y Hepatic failure
34 1988 PCP treatment Y