Fig. 2.
The greatly improved detection of acidic N-glycans after enrichment on the TiO2-PGC chip. In a, the [M+3H]3+ ions of an acidic N-glycan were overlapped with the isotopic ions of co-eluted neutral N-glycans and could not be assigned accurately. Using the TiO2-PGC chip, the acidic N-glycans were enriched efficiently and detected with an enhanced S/N and improved mass accuracy because of the removal of interference from neutral N-glycans. In b, the signal intensity as well as the S/N of acidic N-glycans were significantly enhanced after on-chip enrichment because of the reduced ion-suppression derived from neutral N-glycans/matrix. In c, with the removal of noise derived from neutral N-glycans/matrix, the acidic N-glycan mass accuracy was significantly enhanced, thus providing reliable evidence for the identification of acidic N-glycans. The number in the bracket beside each mass value indicates the mass error (p.p.m.)