Figure 1.
Representative images of PCR amplification of ompA and 16S rRNA genes of rickettsiae from Ixodes pacificus. Genomic DNA, which was isolated from ovary and midgut of engorged female ticks as well as from eggs of I. pacificus, was used in PCR. PCR fragments were separated on 0.8% agarose gel and stained with ethidium bromide. A) Representative images of Rickettsia specific ompA gene amplicon from four engorged female ticks. In the lane marked 1 kb ladder, Promega 1 kb benchtop ladder was loaded. Lanes marked 2, 3, 5 are the ompA amplicon from genomic DNA isolated from the ovary tissues of three engorged ticks (#1, #2, and #4 of the engorged ticks) and lanes 6–9 are ompA amplicon from genomic DNA isolated from the midgut tissues of four engorged ticks (#1–#4 ticks). Lane 10 is the negative control with DNA from mock extraction. Lane 11 is the positive control of the ompA amplicon amplified from Rickettsia montanensis. No samples were loaded in lane 1 and 4. B) Representative images of Rickettsia specific ompA gene amplicon from eggs of two engorged female ticks. Lanes marked 2, 4 and 6 are amplified ompA amplicon using genomic DNA isolated from two clutches of eggs (#9 and #10 of the engorged ticks, and the DNA mixture of #9 and #10 ticks). The lane marked 8 is a negative control with DNA from mock extraction. The lane marked 9 is the positive control of the ompA amplicon amplified from Rickettsia montanensis. No samples were loaded in lanes 1, 3, 5, and 7. C) Representative images of Rickettsia specific amplicon of 16S rRNA gene amplified from genomic DNA isolated from five different female engorged ticks. Lanes marked 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 are amplified products from genomic DNA isolated from ovary tissues of five engorged ticks (#1–#5 of the engorged ticks) and lanes 3, 5, 7, and 9 are amplified products from genomic DNA isolated from the midgut tissues (#1–#4 of the engorged ticks). Lane 11 is the positive control of the 16S rRNA amplicon amplified from Rickettsia montanensis. The lane marked 12 is the negative control with DNA from mock extraction. No sample was loaded in lane 1.