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. 2017 Oct;112(10):655–663. doi: 10.1590/0074-02760170013

TABLE I. Summary of BLASTP results for N, F and G proteins against the NCBI non-redundant protein database. Only the best hit against human-infecting viruses were considered.

Order Family Genus Species Extension e-value Identity Similarity Ac Number Alignment position
N protein
Mononegavirales Pneumoviridae Metapneumovirus Human metapneumovirus 99% 4e-101 42% 61% AEA02277.1 1-388
F protein
Mononegavirales Pneumoviridae Metapneumovirus Human metapneumovirus 88% 2e-119 36% 59% AGL74059.1 14-519
Paramyxoviridae Respirovirus Human parainfluenza virus 3 66% 8e-09 19% 40% NP_067151.1 133-516
Henipavirus Nipah virus 19% 0.055 29% 51% AAY43915.1 139-251
Henipavirus Hendra virus 75% 0.14 21% 38% AEQ38114.1 139-569
Morbillivirus Measles virus 17% 0.061 25% 54% ABY58017.1 115-214
G protein
No significant similarity to other Human-infecting viruses

Extension: the percentage of alignment length with the query sequence; Ac: Genbank accession number; alignment position: the amino acid position of the alignment extension in relation to the query.