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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2017 Sep 21.
Published in final edited form as: Inf Process Med Imaging. 2017 May 23;10265:184–197. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-59050-9_15

Algorithm 1.

Multi-Source Multi-Target Dictionary Learning (MMDL)

Input: Samples and corresponding labels from different time points: {X1, X2, .....XT} and {Y1, Y2, .....YT}
Output: The model for different time points: {W1, …, WT}.
1: Stage 1: Multi-Source Dictionary Learning
2: for k = 1 to κ do
3:  For each image patch xt(i) from sample Xt, i ∈ {1, …, nt} and t ∈ {1, …, T}.
4:  Update D^tk:D^tk=Φ.
5:  Update ztk+1(i) and index set Itk+1(i) by a few steps of CCD:
6:    [ztk+1(i),Itk+1(i)]=CCD(Dtk,D¯tk,xt(i),Itk(i),ztk(i)).
7:  Update the t and t by one step SGD:
8:    [D^tk+1,D¯tk+1]=SGD(D^tk,D¯tk,xt(i),Itk+1(i),ztk+1(i)).
9:  Normalize D^tk+1 and D¯tk+1 based on the index set Itk+1(i).
10:  Update the shared dictionary Φ:Φ=D^tk+1.
11: end for
12: Obtain the learnt dictionaries and sparse codes: {D1, …, DT}, {Z1, …, ZT}.
13: Stage 2: Multi-Target Regression with incomplete label
14: for t = 1 to T do
15:  Given the jth column Yt(j) in Yt, for the jth model wt(j) in Wt
16: wt(j)=(ZtZtT+ξI)-1ZtYt(j)
17: end for