Table 1.
Details of included studies
Study | Sample type | N (each condition) | Age (years, mean) | Design | Other intervention aspects | Outcome measure |
Arean et al26 | Self‐reported mild‐to‐moderate depression | 211,209,206 | 33.9 | 12 weeks of Project EVO (cognitive training app) vs. iPST (problem‐solving therapy app) vs. Health Tips control app | None | PHQ‐9 |
Birney et al27 | Self‐reported mild‐to‐moderate depression | 150,150 | 40.7 | 6 weeks of MoodHacker (CBT‐based depression app) vs. links to approved depression websites | Daily e‐mails to provide additional digital content and prompt engagement | PHQ‐9 |
Depp et al28 | DSM‐IV bipolar disorder | 41,41 | 47.5 | 10 weeks of PRISM (mood monitoring and self‐management app) vs. paper and pencil equivalent | Both groups received four sessions of individual therapy | MADRS |
Enock et al29 | Self‐reported high social anxiety | 158,141 | 34.8 | 4 weeks of CBM Active (cognitive bias modification training app) vs. inactive training or waitlist control | None | DASS |
Faurholt‐Jepsen et al30 | ICD‐10 bipolar disorder | 33,34 | 29.3 | 6 months of MONARCA (self‐monitoring app) vs. regular smartphone use | Patients could also contact their clinicians directly using the smartphone, in case of deterioration | HAM‐D |
Horsch et al31 | Self‐reported mild insomnia | 74,77 | 39.7 | 6 to 7 weeks of Sleepcare (CBT‐based insomnia app) vs. waitlist control | None | CES‐D |
Howells et al32 | General population | 57,64 | 40.3 | 10 days of Headspace (mindfulness app) vs. list‐making app control | None | CES‐D |
Ivanova et al33 | Self‐reported social anxiety | 50,51,51 | 35.3 | 10 weeks of guided ACTsmart (acceptance and commitment therapy app) vs. unguided ACTsmart vs. waitlist control | Participants also provided with pen‐and‐paper booklet for completing written assignments and a CD with ACT exercises | PHQ‐9 |
Kahn et al34 | US veterans | 44, 41,42, 46 | NA | 16 weeks of Mission Reconnect program (using mindfulness and awareness techniques) vs. Prevention and Relationship Enhancement program vs. both programs together vs. waitlist control | Strategies for applying learnt techniques in challenging situations, and additional audio exercises | BDI‐II |
Kuhn et al35 | Self‐reported traumatic event + PTSD symptoms | 62,58 | 39 | 3 months of PTSD Coach (app providing psychoeducation, symptom tracking and self‐management strategies) vs. waitlist control | None | PHQ‐8 |
Ly et al36 | DSM‐IV major depression | 46,47 | 30.6 | 10 weeks of Behavioral Activation app plus 4 face‐to‐face behavioral activation sessions vs. 10 face‐to‐face behavioral activation sessions | None | BDI‐II |
Moell et al37 | Self‐reported data to diagnose ADHD | 26,27 | 36.8 | 6 weeks of LivingSMART (app facilitating life organization and improving attentional control) vs. waitlist control | Computer‐aided training on how to use the apps; participants were also allocated a coach to help with app usage | HADS |
Oh et al38 | Older adults with self‐reported memory complaints | 18,19,16 | 59.3 | 8 weeks of SMART vs. Fit Brains (two cognitive training apps) vs. waitlist control | None | CES‐D |
Proudfoot et al39 | Self‐reported mild‐to‐moderate depression | 126,195,198 | 39 | 7 weeks of MyCompass (app enabling self‐monitoring of problematic moods, thoughts and behaviors, tracking their severity, and receiving feedback advice and mental health management tips by SMS) vs. attention‐matched and waitlist control | Computer modules provided to deliver evidence‐based interventions | DASS |
Reid et al40 | Youth mental health patients | 68,46 | 18 | 2 to 4 weeks of MobileType (app tracking mental health relevant thoughts and behaviors) vs. using a control app which tracks irrelevant behaviors | Participants reviewed information gathered by MobileType with their general practitioner, and were given guides for managing mental health | DASS |
Roepke et al41 | Clinically significant depression | 93,97,93 | 40.2 | 1 month of SuperBetter (app supporting self‐esteem and self‐acceptance) vs. SuperBetter Plus (app adopting principles of CBT and positive psychology) vs. waitlist control | None | CES‐D |
Tighe et al42 | Recent suicidal thoughts | 31,30 | 26.3 | 6 weeks of ibobbly (app based on acceptance and commitment therapy principles) vs. waitlist control | 24‐hour helpline details available through the app in case of suicidality | PHQ‐9 |
Watts et al43 | DSM‐IV major depression | 10,15 | 41 | 8 weeks of Get Happy (CBT‐based depression app) vs. computerized CBT program | Clinician contact during first two weeks to check and promote adherence | BDI‐IIPHQ‐9 |
CBT – cognitive behavioral therapy, PTSD – post‐traumatic stress disorder, ADHD – attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder, PHQ – Patient Health Questionnaire, MADRS – Montgomery‐Åsberg Depression Rating Scale, DASS – Depression Anxiety Stress Scale, HAM‐D – Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, CES‐D – Center for Epidemiological Studies – Depression, BDI‐II – Beck Depression Inventory II, HADS – Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale, NA – not available