Figure 7.
The WebEx external desktop sharing solution (a) overall schematic of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering dedicated WebEx architecture. WebEx can bypass the normal VPN procedures to access internal workstations behind the firewall, from external sources. Images from the Sakura VisionTek desktop application can then be shared with multiple parties both internal and external to our institutional firewall along with desktop control. The human figure represents the need for a person at the remote satellite site to initiate the WebEx session or another person off-site using remote desktop to login the workstation and then initiate the WebEx session by performing the WebEx login and password procedure. (b) screenshot of the Web-Ex login with the input of username and password. For first time logins, a Web-Ex plug-in is required per workstation that can cause further delays. (c) screenshot of host setup with screen share, once logged in. Each workstation must be manually configured for Voice over Internet Protocol if the default phone option is not desired. (d) screenshot of the invitation procedure for consultants, which often requires knowledge of the consultant's email. On the consultant side, email notifications allow the consultant to click and download the appropriate plugins, for viewing the Web-Ex session. (e) screenshot of the top panel on the screen for requesting or passing desktop sharing control; steps required all before starting the Sakura VisionTek desktop application