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. 2015 Dec 17;2(4):189–194. doi: 10.1016/j.scog.2015.10.003

Table 1.

Distinguishing sociodemographics and diagnostics of the participants by group. Average (standard deviation).

Experimental group Control group Group differences p
Age (years) 35.93 (8.1) 32.52 (9.8) F = 1.735 0.194
Education (years) 9.23 (2.7) 10.24 (2.8) F = 2.17 0.146
Sex: n (%)
 Men 20 (57.0%) 15 (71.4%) χ2 = 0.838 0.546
 Women 7 (43%) 6 (28.6%)
Time of disease progression (days) 145,8 (92,3) 125,1 (91,) F = 0.598 0.,443
Number of previous hospitalizations 3.2 (2.3) 3.33 (3.2) F = 0.035 0.853
WAIS-III vocabulary 38,93 (6.01) 36,71 (8.6) F = 1.12 0.301
Premorbid adjustment (Cannon-Spoor) 49.64 (25.5) 46.75 (22.2) F = 0.30 0.582
Doses of psychiatric medication (converted to mg/day of chlorpromazine) 695.09 (362.6) 911.88 (922.9) F = 1.77 0.186
DSM-IV-TR: n (%)
 Paranoid 29 (80.6%) 40 (77.9%) χ2 = 0.73 0.866
 Disorganized 4 (11.1%) 3 (6.3%)
 Residual 2 (5.6%) 3 (6.3%)
 Unspecified 1 (2.8) 2 (4.2%)
Occupation: n (%)
 Employed 3 (8.3%) 2 (4.2%) χ2 = 2.35 0.308
 Unemployed 9 (25.0%) 7 (14.6%)
 Disabled 24 (66.7%) 39 (81.3%)
Marital Status: n (%)
 Single 33 (91.7%) 45 (93.8%) χ2 = 0.13 0.935
 Married 1 (2.1%) 1 (2.8%)
 Separated or divorced 2 (5.6%) 2 (4.2%)

Note. DSM-IV-TR = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 4th edition, Revised Text.