Table 1. Invasive anuran species in Brazil.
Asterisks denote novel data from the present study.
Invasive species | Category | Original distribution (Frost 2016) | Localities with invasive populations | Estimated decade of introduction | Introduction reason | Source |
Eleutherodactylus johnstonei | Imported invasive | Lesser Antilles | São Paulo-SP | Not registered before the 2010s | Unintentional, probably with ornamental plants | Melo et al., 2014 [48] |
Leptodactylus labyrinthicus | Domestic invasive | Cerrados and Caatingas of central and southeastern Brazil and eastern Paraguay | Manaus, AM; Canutama, AM*; Belém, PA; Alter do Chão, PA; Santarém, PA*; Presidente Médici, RO* | Unknown, but reports date back to the 1990s | Commercial production | Carvalho et al., 2013 [50]; Neckel-Oliveira et al., 2000 [75] |
Lithobates catesbeianus | Imported invasive | North America | 130 Brazilian municipalities, mainly in the Atlantic forest | First official shipment in the1930s | Commercial production | Giovanelli et al., 2008 [40]; Both et al., 2011 [41] |
Phyllodytes luteolus | Domestic invasive and Domestic alien | Coastal region of eastern Brazil from Paraíba to northern Rio de Janeiro state, northeastern Minas Gerais, and southern Bahia | Rio de Janeiro, RJ; Guarujá, SP*; Rio Claro, SP (only few individuals)* | First records in the 2000s for RJ and 2010s for SP | Unintentional, probably with ornamental plants | Salles and Silva-Soares, 2010 [49]; present study |
Rhinella jimi | Domestic invasive | Northeastern Brazil from Maranhão to Bahia and Piauí at elevations of 400–500 m | Fernando de Noronha, PE | Between 1888 and 1973 | Insect pest control | Olson, 1981[76]; Oren, 1984 [51]; Vicente et al., 1990 [77]; Toledo and Ribeiro, 2009 [78]; Tolledo et al., 2014 [79] |
Scinax x-signatus | Domestic invasive | Non-forest habitats of northern Colombia and Venezuela to Surinam; eastern, southern, and southeastern Brazil | Fernando de Noronha, PE | First records published date from the 1980s | Unintentional, probably with ornamental plants or food supply to the island | Oren, 1984 [51]; Toledo and Ribeiro,2009 [78] |