Fig 4.
(A) Comparison between net cost of swimming (NCS) and routine metabolic rate (RMR) of Cretoxyrhina mantelli at five different temperature scenarios (5°C, 10°C, 15°C, 20°C and 25°C) assuming ectothermy (green) and regional endothermy (pink). Green and pink gradations represent the NCS at different swimming speeds (see color code chart). Note that NCS are constant in all temperature scenarios (see text). RMR estimate is represented with associated 95% individual prediction intervals (in black). (B) Validation test performed in 17 living sharks, including ectothermic taxa (green background) and regional endothermic taxa (pink background), from simultaneous records of their cruise swimming speeds, water temperatures and body masses (data taken from [85]). Inferred RMR are denoted as green and pink intervals for the ectothermic and regional endothermic scenario respectively; Inferred NCS are represented by black dots.