Figure 4. HOXA9 was identified as miR-133b targets in CRC.
(A) miR-133b targeting genes and the corresponding mutations. (B) examination of luciferase activity. Co-transfection of a wildtype or a mutant HOXA9 3′UTR with miR-133b mimics into HEK 293 cells. Firefly luciferase activity was measured and standardized by Renilla luciferase activity. (C) Left, HCT8 cells were infected with miR-133b mimics or scramble control, and protein levels of HOXA9 was analyzed with western blot. Right, the expression of HOXA9 in normal control (N), CRC without metastasis (T) and CRC with metastasis(M). 3 pair samples were used and a representative sample is shown. (D) Relative expression of HOXA9 in TCGA of CRC, which contained 40 normal samples, 45 stage I, 111 stage II, 83 stage III and 39 stage IV samples. (E) Screenshot of the profiles of the human gene HOXA9 within the BioGPS online portal. All data used for this study are available through the BioGPS database ( (F) the expression correlation analysis for miR-133b and HOXA9 in 66 CRC tumor samples. *P < 0.05 versus scramble or healthy controls.