Images (a–c) and quantification (d–f) for Alcian blue (top) and immunohistochemical staining of type II collagen (Col II, middle) and type I collagen (Col I, bottom) of encapsulated CHs or acellular control (4 weeks) in PNVCL-L (20% w/v) and PNVCL-H (10% w/v) hydrogels after 4 and 8 weeks of subcutaneous implantation in rats. Scale bars for (a) are 100 μm and for (b, c) are 50 μm. *11,32,60–63**Indicate significance (p < 0.05 and p < 0.01, respectively) versus control groups (PNVCL-L or PNVCL-H). ##Indicates significance (p < 0.01) between PNVCL-L and PNVCL-H at 4 or 8 weeks. Color images available online at