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. 2017 Sep 22;17:639. doi: 10.1186/s12879-017-2749-2

Table 1.

Description of Malawi NMCP 2011–2015 SUFI targets [66]

Indicator Target
ITN ownership 90% of households own at least 1 ITN
ITN use by pregnant women 80% of pregnant women sleep under an ITN
ITN use by CU5 80% of CU5 sleep under ITN
IPTp 80% of pregnant women receive 2 or more doses of SP during pregnancy for malaria prevention
Case management 50% of suspected malaria cases at health care facilities confirmed by microscopy
Case management 80% of suspected malaria cases at health care facilities confirmed by RDT
Case management 50% of confirmed malaria cases appropriately treated within 24 h of onset of symptoms

CU5 children under 5 years of age, ITN insecticide-treated net, IPTp intermittent preventative therapy in pregnant women, NMCP National Malaria Control Programme, RDT rapid diagnostic test, SUFI scale-up for impact