Table 1. Patients included in the case cluster and associated B. pseudomallei strains.
Date of isolation | Patient ID/source | Died | Isolate | Location* | ST | ERA/SRA accession no. |
Mar 1994 | P97† | No | MSHR0287 | A | 125 | ERR311046 |
Mar 1994 | P96†,‡ | No | MSHR0286 | B | 125 | SRR3525374 |
Nov 1994 | P105† | Yes | MSHR0344, MSHR0345 | A | 125§ | SRR3525385, SRR3525386 |
Jan 1995 | P110 | Yes | MSHR0356 | A | 149 | ERR311049 |
Feb 1995 | P114† | No | MSHR0362 | A | 141 | na |
Mar 1996 | P137 | Yes | MSHR0445A | A | 126§ | ERR311050 |
Apr 1996 | P142† | Yes | MSHR0433 | A | 126§ | SRR3525387 |
Apr 1996 | P143† | No | MSHR0435 | A | 126§ | SRR3525399 |
Apr 1996 | P144†,‡ | No | MSHR0436 | C | 125 | SRR3525400 |
Apr 1996 | P157†,|| | No | MSHR0462 | B | 126 | SRR3525401 |
June 1996 | P150† | No | MSHR0449 | A | 126§ | ERR311053 |
Mar 1997 | Water tank | na | MSHR0491 | A | 126§ | ERR311054 |
Mar 1997 | Soil | na | MSHR0502 | A | 114 | na |
Mar 1997 | Soil | na | MSHR0503 | A | 149 | SRR5260553 |
Mar 1997 | Soil | na | MSHR0504 | A | 268 | na |
Mar 1997 | Soil | na | MSHR0505 | A | 682 | na |
Mar 1997 | Soil | na | MSHR0507 | A | 719 | na |
Mar 1997 | Soil | na | MSHR0508 | A | 281 | na |
na, Not applicable.
*A, Remote island community with contaminated water supply; B and C, other remote communities ~100 km from the outbreak community that were not previously associated with the outbreak.
†Patients reported kava use.
‡Patients were not initially recognized as part of the case cluster. These cases were included in the analysis due to the infecting strains being genetically linked to other case cluster strains, and the patients being epidemiologically linked by kava use and geographical proximity.
§STs previously reported for this patient or environmental sample [11].
||Patient was initially considered part of the remote island community case cluster, but was travelling on the mainland at the time of diagnosis.