Figure 2.
The effect of septal cholinergic activation on hippocampal oscillations depends on the behavioral state. (A) Optogenetic stimulation of cholinergic septal neurons after injection of cre-dependent virus in the medial septum of ChAT::Cre rats. Sample event related potentials (ERP) recorded in hippocampal CA1 region after 10 Hz septal ChAT photostimulation during inactive (left) and active (right) behavioral state. Upper red traces show ERP from medial septum, middle green traces represent ERP from hippocampus band-pass filtered (4–15 Hz) and lower blue traces represent the same hippocampal ERP after low-pass filtered (0–15 Hz). Time 0 indicates the delivery of the first train of 10 Hz stimulation protocol to medial septum. (B) Representative samples of phase-locking value for 10 Hz septal ChAT photostimulation during inactive (left) and active (right) behavioral state. Blue traces show the observed data, while the green values represent shuffled data (adapted from Mamad et al., 2015).