Table 6.
How can service users become involved in research? Can they obtain training and help with the specialist language of research? Can research be made accessible to non-specialists? | |
How can carers of service users become involved? | |
Are activities available for carers out of the normal 9–5 h of the working day? | |
How do service users get support to gain motivation and purpose? How frequently do ‘purpose’ and ‘motivation’ feature in recovery plans? | |
What proportion of funding for mental health care goes to the voluntary sector? Research into the activities of the police and prison workers in the care and treatment of people with mental health problems. The prison population could be useful for research in this. |
Are Welfare Reforms having a negative impact on mental health and thus making people more ill? | |
The effects on mental health of childhood abuse | |
How does the intervention of the law, including police and probation, impact on people with mental health problems? | |
How do people help themselves? How do they benefit? What characteristics are needed for successful self-help? | |
How is funding allocated between services? | |
How can service users obtain support to maintain momentum towards recovery? | |
Should the place of the pharmacist as expert over the GP be acknowledged and should the pharmacist be used more widely to explain drug treatment, side effects etc.? | |
How widespread in treatment is recognition of the whole person, physical, mental and spiritual? | |
Case studies – What do people do to aid their own recovery? What are individual trigger points? How do people learn from experience? How common are ‘circles of support’? | |
How can research show that everyone is of value |