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. 2017 Mar;51(1):13–19. doi: 10.4314/gmj.v51i1.3

Table 2.

Correlates for anti-HBs responses in vaccinated infants

Reponses after completion of 3 vaccine doses (N=424)
Seroconversion Sero-protection (≥10 mIU/ml) ≥100 mIU/ml
Variables Anti-HBs No response p value ≥10 mIU/ml <10 mIU/ml p value ≥100 mIU/ml <100 mIU/ml p value
Mean Age (Months) 13.45 15.23 .020 13.41 15.02 0.020 12.95 14.46 .007
[CI] [12.86–14.04] [13.84–16.62] [12.80–14.02] [13.80–16.25] [12.15–13.75] [13.71–15.20]
Sex/Male (%) 86.05 13.95 .353 82.79 17.21 .173 53.02 46.98 .051
[CI] [81.42–90.68] [9.32–18.58] [77.74–87.84] [12.16–22.26] [46.35–59.69] [40.31–53.65]
EBF/Yes (%) 83.56 16.44 .461 80.14 19.86 .968 50.00 50.00 .312
[CI] [79.31–87.81] [12.19–20.69] [75.56–84.72] [15.28–24.44] [44.27–55.73] [44.27–55.73]
Single Vaccine/Yes 82.84 17.16 .234 77.99 22.01 .136 43.28 56.72 .006
(%) [78.33–87.35] [12.68–21.72] [73.03–82.95] [12.68–21.72] [37.35–49.21] [50.79–62.65]
T6, 10, 14/Yes (%) 85.59 14.41 .211 81.08 18.92 .378 48.95 51.05 .636
[CI] [81.82–89.36] [10.64–18.18] [76.87–85.29] [14.71–23.13] [43.58–54.32] [45.68–56.42]

EBF, exclusive breast feeding; Single Vaccine, infants vaccinated with vaccine from only one pharmaceutical company; T6, 10, 14, infants received vaccine doses in a timely manner at 6, 10 and 14 weeks after birth.