Fig. 7.
FM4-64 membrane staining of P. pacificus embryos exposed to volatile ZTDO. Representative images of early embryos exposed to 10 µl of 0.5% ZTDO suspended from plate lids for 4 h. (A,A′) Wild-type PS312 exposed to ZTDO viewed immediately after treatment show stained embryonic tissue owing to a permeable eggshell. (B) Wild-type PS312 exposed to ethanol control viewed immediately after treatment show only weak tissue staining owing to an impermeable eggshell. (C,C′) Wild-type PS312 exposed to ZTDO viewed ∼20 h after treatment. (D,D′) Wild-type PS312 exposed to ethanol vehicle control viewed ∼20 h after treatment. (E,E′) Washington strain (PS1843) exposed to ZTDO viewed ∼20 h after treatment. (F,F′) Japan strain (RS5194) exposed to ZTDO viewed ∼20 h after treatment. Arrow indicates a possible embryonic plasma membrane. (G,G′) La Reunion strain (RSB001) exposed to ZTDO viewed immediately after treatment. (H,H′) Bolivia strain (RS5278) exposed to ZTDO viewed immediately after treatment. FM4-64 fluorescence images were taken at an intensity of 2 and exposure of 1 s. Scale bar in A′ (20 µm) represents the same magnification for all images.