Figure 3.
SUV39H1 is a direct target of miR-125b. A, putative miR-125b target binding sites in the bovine SUV39H1 UTRs. CDS, coding sequence. B, relative luciferase activity in HEK293T cells co-transfected with miR-125b and reporter constructs containing the mutant SUV39H1 3′-UTR. n.s., not significant. C and D, relative luciferase activities in BFFs co-transfected with a reporter construct containing the mutant SUV39H1 3′-UTR and either a miR-125b (C) or miR-125b inhibitor (D). E and F, the relative SUV39H1 mRNA levels in BFFs were determined by qPCR 2 days after miR-125b inhibitor transfection (E) or miR-125b overexpression (F). Bars indicate the S.E. G, relative SUV39H1 protein levels in BFFs were determined by immunoblotting 2 days after miR-125b overexpression or miR-125b inhibitor transfection. H and I, relative SUV39H1 mRNA levels in four-cell stage SCNT embryos were determined by qPCR after miR-125b inhibitor (H) or miR-125b injection (I). Bars indicate the S.E. *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01.