Immunocytochemical and immunoblot analysis of H2Av and H2Avph in the JIL-1 null mutant background. (A) Polytene squash preparation from wild-type, homozygous JIL-1z2 null (z2), homozygous JIL-1z2 null expressing the CFP-tagged JIL-1-CTD transgene (JIL-1-CTD; z2), and homozygous H2Av810 null larvae labeled with antibodies to H2Avph (green) or H2Av (red). (B,C) Immunoblots of protein extracts from salivary glands of wild-type, homozygous H2Av810 null, homozygous JIL-1z2 null (z2), and homozygous JIL-1z2 null larvae expressing the CFP-tagged JIL-1-CTD transgene (JIL-1-CTD; z2) labeled with antibody to H2Av (B) or H2Avph (C). Labeling with histone H3 antibody provided a loading control.