Figure 2. AHI outcome after palatopharyngoplasty stratified by presence or absence of circumferential obstruction on DISE.
AHI in patients with (gray color) and without (white color) circumferential velopharyngeal on DISE before and after palatopharyngoplasty. Boxplots showing the 75th and 25th percentiles by the upper and lower margins, and the median values by the horizontal line. Whiskers represent the maximum value (top) and the minimum value (bottom) of the dataset; this range includes all data except the outliers. Outliers are represented by circles. * = P = .0001 versus baseline. ** = P < .0001 versus baseline. ¥ = P < .01 between groups in baseline. ¥¥ = P < .01 between groups in follow-up. AHI = apnea-hypopnea index, DISE = drug-induced sleep endoscopy.