Fig 1. Development of body lengths and muscle mass.
(A) Total body lengths of normal-sized fish (NF, open bars) and dwarf fish (DF, dashed bars) imprinted at 2 (blue) and 6°C (red) at the end of the imprinting period (0 dph) and in the juvenile stage (80 dph). Values at bottom of bars provide number of individuals included in length measurement. Total fast (B) and slow (C) muscle csa in one half of the trunk (8 individuals per thermal group of each ecotype); whiskers indicate s.e., significant differences are assigned at p≤0.05 (*). (D) Correlation of slow muscle relative proportion (fast-to-slow muscle ratio) with fish size as given by total muscle csa; regression line equations: NF-2: y = 7.3x + 3.9 (r2 = 0.87), NF-6: y = 12.2x + 7.6 (r2 = 0.95), DF-2: y = 11.7x + 7.2 (r2 = 0.94), DF-6: y = 15.9x + 10.3 (r2 = 0.97).