Fig. 4.
Immunization with PV-1947D (3hα-Syn85–99-MultiTEP; A), PV-1948D (3hα-Syn109–126-MultiTEP; B), PV-1949D (3hα-Syn126–140-MultiTEP; C), and PV-1950D (3hα-Syn126–140-3hα-Syn109–126-3hα-Syn85–99-MultiTEP; D) vaccines did not induce potentially detrimental autoreactive Th cells, but induced strong Th cell responses specific to the MultiTEP platform. Numbers of IFN-γ producing T-cells were calculated by ELISPOT in splenocyte cultures obtained from immunized animals. Bars represent average ± SD (n=4 per group).