Figure 2.
The effect of TRPV4 agonist on the inward currents and the outward currents in PDGFRα+ cells. GSK1016790A (GSK, 100 nM) activated inward currents at holding potentials −80 to −40 mV. Cells were dialyzed with Cs+-rich solutions (a,c,e). Expanded time scales (b,d,f) from each left panel during ramp depolarization at different holding potentials. a & b denote before and after GSK (100 nM), respectively. When cells were dialyzed with K+-rich solutions, GSK (100 nM) activated inward current at a holding potential of −80 mV (g). Expanded time scales (h) from panel g during ramp depolarization before (a) and after (b) GSK (100 nM) application, respectively. b-a denotes GSK-sensitive current. GSK (100 nM) activated inward current followed by outward current at holding potentials of −60 mV (i) and −40 mV (k). Expanded time scales (j,l) from panels i and k during ramp depolarization before (a) and after (b) GSK application, respectively. b-a denotes GSK-sensitive current.