Fig. 5.
Temperature-dependent J–V characteristics of the SnO2:F/ZnMgO/Se/MoOx/Au device. a Current–voltage (J–V) plots under 1-Sun illuminated (solid line) and dark (dashed line) conditions measured at the device temperature of 300 °K (black), 240 °K (purple), and 170 °K (blue). b Efficiency (black) and pseudo-efficiency (red) plots. c Fill factor (black) and pseudo-fill-factor (red). The pseudo-efficiency and pseudo-fill-factor were extracted from the short circuit current (J SC)—open-circuit voltage (V OC) measurements under various illumination intensities. d J SC (black) and V OC (red). e Series resistance (R S) extracted from dark J–V measurements. f Shunt conductance (G sh) extracted from the illuminated (red) and dark (black) J–V measurements