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. 2017 Sep 1;77(15):1623–1643. doi: 10.1007/s40265-017-0804-3

Table 3.

Non-pharmacological delirium strategies for palliative care patients [55, 56]

Delirium management strategies Details
Optimize sleep–wake pattern Daytime: increase exposure to daylight. Shades/curtains open
Night-time: reduce light and noise
Familiar sleepwear
Patient orientation Reorientate person: explain where they are, who they are, who you are and your role
Complete orientation whiteboard, visible clock
Avoid frequent room changes
Communication Use eye glasses, hearing aids, and dentures where needed
Encourage mobility Mobilize as patient’s performance status allows
Sit out of bed for meals if possible
Avoid using physical restraints
Minimize use of immobilizing urinary catheters
Monitor hydration and nutrition Encourage patient to drink, if able to swallow safely
Assist patient at mealtimes
Monitor bladder and bowel function Assess for urinary retention, constipation, and fecal impaction. Avoid unnecessary catheterization
Provide support and education Reassure patient with calming voice
Use delirium information leaflet