The lack of C26:25OH VLCFA affects the physiology of ORS278 in free-living state. (A–F) Growth kinetics of ORS278 (white), lpxXL (gray), and BRADO4680 (black) mutants in (A–C) YM medium and (D–F) Minimal medium at 28°C (A–D), 34°C (B–E) and 37°C (C–F), The experiment was carried out in duplicate. (G) Box plots representation of the NaCl resistance of ORS278 (white), lpxXL (gray) and BRADO4680 (dark gray) strains cultivated in rich medium (YM), at 34°C (n = 3). (H) Box plots representation of the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), hydrogen chloride (HCl) and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) resistance of ORS278 (white), lpxXL (gray) and BRADO4680 (dark gray) mutants, as determined by disk diffusion assays using 5 μl of 5.5 M H2O2, 2N HCl or 10% of SDS (n = 9). (I) Box plots representation of the polymyxin B resistance of ORS278 and the lpxXL and BRADO4680 mutants, determined by Etest (Etest®bioMérieux) on YM medium (n = 3). (G–I) ∗P < 0.01, by Tukey’s honestly significant difference test.