Fig. 3.
Volcano plots comparing the fold change in gene expression of WallMEC cultured on MID and LATE ECM. A: MID ECM without hormones (NH) versus MID ECM in the presence of hormones (H). B: LATE ECM without hormones (NH) versus LATE ECM in the presence of hormones (H). C: MID ECM without hormones (NH) versus LATE ECM without hormones (NH). D: MID ECM in the presence of hormones (H) versus LATE ECM in the presence of hormones (H). The dots on the left side of zero represent down regulated genes while the dots on the right side represent up-regulated genes. Blue dots represent genes whose expression level is significantly different. The statistical significance of the difference between treatments expressed as –log10(p value) is shown on the y-axis. In order to enhance the level of confidence only genes with –log10(p value) higher than 2.5 were considered to be differentially expressed between the treatments.