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. 2017 Sep 25;17:319. doi: 10.1186/s12884-017-1532-0

Table 1.

Difference in level of satisfaction by socio-demographic, geography and supply side factors

Variables Total Satisfaction
N % Mean satisfaction score a Standard deviation %b P
Socio-demographic characteristics
 Age (years)
   < 20 109 24.4 3.16 1.55 50.0 0.712
  20–29 300 67.1 3.21 1.46 47.5
   ≥ 30 38 8.5 3.09 1.41 41.2
  Primi 263 58.8 3.11 1.50 44.4 0.155
  Multi 184 41.2 3.27 1.44 51.3
 Education status
  Never attended school 92 20.6 3.04 1.44 41.9 0.588
  Primary education 57 12.8 3.21 1.40 45.2
  Secondary education 204 45.6 3.22 1.46 51.8
  Further education 94 21.0 3.26 1.59 46.3
  Brahmin/Chhetri 164 36.7 3.25 1.45 45.3 0.001
  Terai/Madhesi other caste 91 20.4 2.94 1.53 38.3
  Dalits 68 15.2 3.15 1.49 50.0
  Newar 15 3.4 2.70 1.43 29.5
  Janajati 96 21.5 3.60 1.38 68.7
  Muslim 13 2.9 2.34 1.11 10.1
Geographic/assessable factors
 Ecological zone
  Mountain 38 8.50 3.63 1.22 51.1 <0.001
  Hill 136 30.4 3.70 1.27 68.5
  Terai 273 61.1 2.81 1.50 33.3
 Place of residence
  Urban 346 77.4 2.89 1.31 32.6 <0.001
  Rural 101 22.6 3.25 1.12 80.6
 Reaching time (minutes)
   < 30 167 37.3 3.40 1.45 54.3 0.041
  30–59 160 35.8 2.95 1.48 38.4
   ≥ 60 120 26.9 3.15 1.46 48.5
Supply side factors
 Type of health facility
  Higher level hospital 258 57.7 2.89 1.44 32.6 0.060
  District hospital 129 28.9 3.07 1.45 52.6
  PHCC 38 8.5 4.38 0.93 83.2
  HP/SHP 22 4.9 3.96 1.39 73.2
 Waiting time (minutes)
   < 30 367 82.1 3.39 1.43 53.5 <0.001
  30–59 28 6.3 2.00 1.27 19.3
   ≥ 60 52 11.6 2.03 1.10 9.2
 Overcrowding at maternity department
  Yes 219 48.0 2.51 1.25 30.8 <0.001
  No 228 51.0 3.13 1.35 63.8
 Paid for the service sought in health facility
  Yes 292 65.3 2.95 1.49 43.6 <0.001
  No 155 34.7 3.56 1.36 53.6
Interpersonal communication
 Give chance to ask any concerns
  Yes 117 26.2 3.69 1.40 66.1 <0.001
  No 330 73.8 3.00 1.46 40.9
 Scolded by staff
  Yes 21 4.7 1.23 0.58 0.0 0.011
  No 426 95.3 3.30 1.42 50.4
 Advised on danger signs of mother
  Yes 227 50.8 3.49 1.41 56.4 0.013
  No 220 49.2 2.77 1.45 35.2
 Advised on danger signs of newborn
  Yes 218 48.8 3.52 1.39 56.8 0.012
  No 229 51.2 2.77 1.46 35.7
 Advised for exclusive breastfeeding
  Yes 274 61.3 3.46 1.38 53.4 0.049
  No 173 38.7 2.62 1.49 35.2
 Counsel on family planning
  Yes 168 37.6 3.58 1.32 59.6 0.511
  No 279 62.4 2.89 1.51 38.5
Structural factors
 Availability of drinking water
  Yes 240 53.7 3.45 1.39 56.7 0.029
  No 179 40.0 2.66 1.47 30.4
  Don’t know 28 6.3 2.95 1.64 36.3
 Any unknown person entered in the delivery room
  Yes 64 14.3 3.27 1.45 33.9 0.213
  No 365 81.7 2.97 1.45 50.1
  Don’t know 18 4.0 3.04 1.59 47.8

a the satisfaction score was constructed by giving scores: fully satisfied = 5, satisfied = 4, neutral = 3, dissatisfied = 2, fully dissatisfied = 1

bthe satisfaction proportion was constructed adding the proportions: fully satisfied = 5; satisfied = 4