Sense of Rejection |
Feeling oblivion (feeling forgotten) |
Lack of companionship and conversation; Being away from family; Feeling forgotten and neglected |
Feeling of being neglected |
Not to opening the door to the elderly; Transferring to nursing home; Not answering the elderly’s phone call; Children’s failure to visit the elderly |
Monotony & life routine |
Lack of motivation |
Sense of Depression and malaise; Indifference to any activity and nap; Sitting aimlessly |
Monotony |
Repetitive/monotonous; Days; Bound to a daily schedule; Inability to go outdoors; Excessive TV watching; Smoking |
Preoccupation |
Mental involvement with people |
Thinking of children; Thinking of grandchildren; Thinking of one’s parents |
Mental preoccupation with events |
Thinking of death; Thinking of the reasons for the presence in the nursing home; Thinking of the personal mistakes in life |
Disruption of communication |
Communicative problems of the elderly people with others |
Lack of trust in others; Lack of a cultural peers |
Others’ lack of adaptability with others |
Mental and emotional problems in others |
Sense of hardship |
Physical pain and suffering |
Pain in leg; Loss of vision; Skin dryness; Difficulty in walking |
Mental pain and suffering |
Dependency and lack of independence; Regretting the efforts of the past; Sense of sorrow |