Neighbor-joining distance phylogram of aligned 3′ UTR sequences of expressed and archived vsp and vlp genes of B. hermsii. The sequences are given in Table S4. The sequences from expressed genes are distinguished between those serotypes (E) previously characterized (Burman et al., 1990; Restrepo et al., 1992) and those of relapses (R) from the current study. 3′ UTR sequences for archival genes are designated by “A”; in cases without an adjacent DHS element a maximum of 117 nucleotides was included in the alignment. The first number in the sequence name after E, R, or A indicates the serotype and, for relapses, the second number indicates the infecting serotype. Sequences with ≤ 2 nucleotide differences were grouped together; the numbers in each group of two or more are given in parentheses. The text color indicates the vsp or vlp family: red, vsp; green, α-vlp; purple, β-vlp; and blue, δ-vlp. There were no instances of a γ-vlp among the relapses. The black numbers along the branches indicate the % support from 500 bootstraps, if greater than 60%. The size marker (0.1) for the branch lengths represents nucleotide distance.