Fig 7. SNAP-25 signal in fungiform and circumvallate papillae over days after CYP injection.
Images of SNAP-25+ cells (magenta) in (A) fungiform and (B) circumvallate taste buds at 0, 4, 8, 10, 12, 16 and 21 days after CYP injection (n = 4 mice/group). Sections were counter-reacted with Sytox green, a nuclear marker. In fungiform taste buds, there are fewer SNAP-25+ cells by 8 days after CYP injection, then they appear to recover. In circumvallate taste buds, SNAP-25+ cells are decreased at 8–10 days after injection. This cell type appears to recover by 12 days post-injection but then decreases again 16 days post injection. They return to control levels by 21 days after injection. Scale bars = 20μm. (C) Mean±SEM SNAP-25+ cells per taste bud in fungiform (left graph) and circumvallate (right graph). In fungiform taste buds, the number of SNAP-25+ cells were significantly lower than controls (day 0) at 4–12 days after CYP injection. In circumvallate taste buds, the number of SNAP-25+ cells did not decline significantly compared to controls until 8–12 days after CYP injection. * P<0.05, ** P<0.01, *** P<0.001.