Effect of flecainide on INCX, a. Representative chart recording of membrane current. The horizontal bars above the current indicate when 30 μM flecainide and 5 mM Ni were applied externally. b. I-V curves obtained at the corresponding labels in panel a. a, control; b, in the presence of flecainide; c, in the presence of Ni. c. Summarized data of the augmentation effect of 30 μM and 100 μM flecainide on bi-directional INCX. (Ca efflux mode; 33.8±6.8% increase in INCX at 30 µM flecainide and 51.0±8.9% increase in INCX at 100 µM flecainide, Ca influx mode; 32.4±7.7% increase in INCX at 30 µM flecainide and 61.0±8.0% increase in INCX at 100 µM flecainide, **P<0.01, †P<0.001 vs. control by paired t-test; values are means±SEM. of 5 cells).