Figure 3.
(a) A general workflow of cTB-based NIPT approach can be divided into two major sections, including (i) three-step cTB enrichment/isolation and (ii) downstream genetic characterization by aCGH and STR. Three-step cTB enrichment and isolation start from (i) RBC depletion by gradient centrifuge, (ii) affinity capture of cTBs onto nanoVelcro microchips in the presence of anti-EpCAM capture agent, and end with (iii) cTB isolation by LCM. For downstream genetic characterization, three individually isolated cTBs were pooled together in a 0.5 mL PCR tube for WGA. The resulting amplified DNA was then subjected to aCGH and STR assay. (b) Representative micrographs of cTBs obtained from maternal blood samples. (c) Micrograph images recording stepwise operation of LCM-based single cTB isolation on an imprinted PLGA nanoVelcro substrate, including (i/ii) microscopy imaging/identification of cTB and (iii–v) LCM of a single cTB.