Fig. 14.
Electron micrographs of liver in control and experimental rats. (A) Control group showing nucleus (N), nucleolus (NU), nuclear envelop (NE), Golgi (G), mitochondria (M) and rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER) with few fat droplets and well-distributed cytoplasm. The nucleus was normal with other organelles (B) GSP alone-treated group shows hepatocytes with normal mitochondria, rough endoplasmic reticulum, nucleus with few chromatin and lysosomes. Hepatocytes with large nucleus, evenly distributed chromatin were also seen. (C) Cd treated group showing pyknotic nucleus with abnormal envelop, degenerated mitochondria, flattened microvilli with unevenly distributed glycogen and a number of lipid droplets were observed (D) Cd and GSP-pretreated group showing Binucleated cell with normal nucleus, mitochondria, rough endoplasmic reticulum with dense chromatin. (5000×).