Fig. 6. Cytotoxicity of 12%[P407-PBP] and Cip-3CPE-12%[P407-PBP].
(A) Survival rates (determined by MTS assay) of hFBs, PC12 cells, and keratinocytes after incubating with 12%[P407-PBP] and Cip-3CPE-12%[P407-PBP] for 1 or 3 days. Data are means ± SD (n = 4). (B) LIVE/DEAD assay of hFB, which was done to confirm the data in (A), after incubation for 1 or 3 days with 12% [P407-PBP] or Cip-3CPE-12%[P407-PBP]. GFP (green fluorescent protein), live cells (green); TRITC (tetramethyl rhodamine isothiocyanate), dead cells (red). (C) hFB cell survival rates were obtained by counting live and dead cells in (B) and calculating % cell survival = live cells/(live cells + dead cells). Cell counting was done using ImageJ. Data are means ± SD (n = 4). For all images, paired t test was applied.