Model and ignition for deep sleep. A, In the same way as in Figure 4, we show the standard deviation of intrinsic Ignition-Driven Mean Integration (std IDMI) and the synchronization (mean Kuramoto order parameter) as a function of the global coupling point of the model fitted to deep sleep (top row). For three low, optimal, and high levels of coupling, we show plots over time of the binary intrinsic ignition events for all 90 brain regions (middle row) and the corresponding IDMI means for these three values (lower row). As expected, the global working point of the model for deep sleep is shifted with regards to wakefulness. Similarly, at this global working point of the model, the stdIDMI is no longer maximal, and thus the hierarchical organization not optimal in deep sleep. B, This can be compared with the plot over time for all brain regions (middle row) and the IDMI (bottom row) for the empirical data of deep sleep.