Fig. 5.
Percentage change in daily electricity demand (5-year average) compared with 2015–2019 average for projected daily maximum temperatures under different scenarios of climate change mitigation. Five-year average electricity demand values are denoted by the year in the middle of the respective time interval on the x axis. (A) Under a scenario of unabated climate change (RCP-8.5), daily electricity demand decreases in northern Europe and increases in countries in southern and western Europe. Total European electricity demand increases in the last two decades of the century relative to 2015–2019. (B) For a scenario of mitigated climate change (RCP-4.5), the trend observed in A is present but less pronounced. (C) For a scenario of very ambitious climate change mitigation that keeps global temperature increase below 2 °C (RCP-2.6), there is no clear trend. Table 2 provides data on all countries, RCPs, and 5-year periods until 2100.