Fig. 6.
NPF is required for the NPF activation-induced preference. Distribution of NPF neurons in the central brain (A) and ventral nerve cord (B) of the fly, as visualized by the expression of the cell polarity markers DenMark (dendrites) and Syt::GFP (synaptic terminals) (42, 43) driven by the NPF-GAL4 driver. Positions of the large P1 and L1-l neurons, and the FSB are indicated. (C) Flies, in which the expression of NPF was targeted using an RNAi construct, showed a reduced preference for the activation of NPF neurons (n = 8–12; unpaired t test, *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01) (617-nm LED light intensity, 5 µW/mm2). (Magnification: 20×.)