Fig. S1.
Mass spectrometry quantification of a RSF1 unique peptide in H2Aub-enriched and -depleted nucleosomes. (A) Spectrum of a RSF1 fragment (DKDGLmYWYQLDQDHNVR) in H2Aub-enriched and -depleted nucleosomes. In these experiments, H2Aub-enriched nucleosomes were labeled with heavy lysine and H2Aub-depleted nucleosomes were obtained from cells cultured in light medium. (B) Quantification of the labeled RSF1 fragment intensity from A. Both the intensity and log2-normalized intensity are shown. (C) Spectrum for RSF1 Fragment (DK+6DGLmYWYQLDQDHNVR) in H2Aub-enriched and -depleted nucleosomes. In these experiments, H2Aub-depleted nucleosomes were labeled with heavy lysine and H2Aub-enriched nucleosomes were obtained from cells cultured in light medium. (D) Quantification of the labeled RSF1 fragment intensity from C. Both the intensity and log2-normalized intensity are shown.