Chromosome Conformation Capture |
All methods use proximity ligation to measure interacting genomic loci |
3C 15,60
Interactions between specific genomic loci, including genome-wide studies |
4C 61
Genome-wide interactions of a specific genomic locus |
5C 62
Many loci against many loci |
Hi-C 17
Genome wide map of all interactions in the nucleus |
Single Cell Hi-C 36
Hi-C variant that enables mapping contacts within single cells |
Combinatorial single-cell Hi-C 63
Single cell Hi-C variant using split-pool barcoding to map single cells |
In situ Hi-C 63
Hi-C variant that performs digestion and ligation in intact nuclei |
DNase Hi-C 64
Hi-C variant that digests chromatin using DNase |
Micro-C 65, 66
Hi-C variant that digests chromatin using micococcal nuclease |
Capture Hi-C 67,68
Hi-C variant that incorporates selection of targeted genomic loci |
TCC 69
A variant of Hi-C using bead-coupling of complexes |
Distance Hi-C UD
Variant of Hi-C using photo-activated crosslinkers to measure the distance between interacting DNA regions. |
A variant of Hi-C using frequent restriction cutters to map >2 simultaneous DNA interactions |
Chromatin Interaction Analysis by paired-end-tag sequencing |
ChIA-PET 6,71
Genome-wide map of interactions bound to a specific protein. |
Genome Architecture Mapping |
GAM 37
A cryosectioning method to map colocalized DNA regions in a ligation-independent manner. |
Split-pool barcoding of RNA and DNA |
A ligation-independent method to barcode interacting RNA and DNA. Enables mapping of higher-order contacts. |
RNA interaction with chromatin by paired-end-tag sequencing |
Genome-wide mapping for all ncRNA-chromatin interactions. |
Chromatin IP aided RICh-PET |
Genome-wide mapping for 3-way interactions involving ncRNA, DNA loci, and protein factors. |
DNA Adenine Methyltrans-ferase Identification |
DamID and Single-Cell DamID 72,8
Genome-wide mapping of molecular contact frequency of DNA locus to a Dam methylase fusion protein: will be used to measure DNA proximity to different nuclear compartments |
Tyramide Signal Amplification-Seq |
Genome-wide mapping of estimated mean cytological distance (in microns) of DNA locus to a nuclear compartment. |
Replication Labeling-Seq |
Repli-Seq 73,74
Genome-wide mapping of timing of DNA replication |
Thousands of Reporters Integrated in Parallel |
Genome-wide mapping of chromosome position effects on transcription and post-transcriptional processing |
RNA Antisense Purification |
RAP 48,49, 75,76
Mapping of DNA regions, RNA species, and proteins that are in proximity to a specific noncoding RNA in the nucleus. |