Table 1.
Features used for the logistic regression model.
Thread-level features | Description |
NumPost | Number of posts in the thread |
NumUser | Number of authors participating in the thread discussion |
AvgLen | Average length of post (by word numbers) in the thread |
Post-level features | Description |
| |
NumName | Number of mentions of other authors’ names |
NumNeg | Number of negative sentiment words |
NumPos | Number of positive sentiment words |
NumCAM | Number of CAM related keywords |
NumOverlap | Number of words that also occur in previous post |
Num? | Number of question marks |
Num! | Number of exclamation marks |
TimeDif | Time difference between current and previous post in thread |
Sig | If the author has a signature profile |
NAgree | Number of “agree”s |
NDisagree | Number of “disagree”s |
Lexical features | Description |
| |
LDA | Topic modeling |
LDA-sim | cosine similarity between LDA of current and previous post |
W2V | Word embedding |
W2V-sim | cosine similarity between W2V of current and previous post |