Fig. 4. FONIRS monitoring of mice injected with IRDye 800-labeled cetuximab.
A) integrated fluorescence in vivo was monitored by forming a skin fold and positioning the probe against the skin. Fluorescence measurements were taken before the injection (baseline-dotted line) and as soon as 1 min post injection (the injected bolus mixes with blood at that time [25]) and continued for 124 hours; B) IF values of skin fluorescence were plotted against time (n=4).; C) blood half-life of cetuximab; D) Ex vivo whole skin scan with Li-COR (800nm channel) after the completion of the experiment (4 injected mice+1 control) show accumulation of fluorescence; E) Representative scans of internal organs (Li-COR 800nm channel). The brightness and contrast of skin and organs were adjusted to the same extent to improve presentation clarity.