(A) Schematic representation of different mouse lines used, including the Postn genetic locus containing a tamoxifen-regulated MCM cDNA cassette inserted into exon 1 (E1), which was crossed with Smad2- and/or Smad3-loxP–containing gene-targeted lines, along with the Rosa26 reporter allele(R26EGFP). The mouse chromosome associated with each allele is shown. (B) Experimental scheme whereby mice were subjected to TAC injury or sham procedure for 4 and 12 weeks. Mice were fed tamoxifen diet 48 hours before surgery and then maintained on tamoxifen until harvesting. (C) Representative histological section showing EGFP-labeled interstitial cells in hearts of PostnMCM/+ R26EGFP/+ mice after 4 weeks of TAC injury (n = 4). Scale bar: 10 μm. (D) Western blot analysis for Smad2, Smad3, and EGFP from 500,000 cells isolated from hearts of the 2 genotypes of mice shown. (E) Western blot for Tgfbr2 in total heart mesenchymal cells lacking myocytes, CD31, and CD45 cells and conditionally targeted for Tgfbr1/2-loxP with PostnMCM in cardiac-activated fibroblasts after TAC stimulation.